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What is Bulletball?

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  1. Justin bin Tweetin (

    I feel bad for this guy.

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us '0 which is not a hashcash value.

  2. blackbrolly

    The more I see this game. The more I see it getting popular because of this podcast. The views has jumped by thousands because of your shout outs.

  3. @mrteebeeess

    I thought you were joking about bulletball. this is effing hilarious. Get dude on the show. you may be his stepping stone to greatness. lol

  4. PenguinsAreFly

    http://www.bulletballgames.com/contact.html Rod, you have to contact this guy and get him on the show!

  5. fromthejax

    The fools couldn't see this man's utter genius. Let me get rid of this worthless PS3 and get me a BulletBall table! Just one question; will this be added to the Winter or Summer Olympics?

  6. Dajackyl

    Damn Dude Fucked Up,Put all His Eggs in One Basket {Better Luck Next Time!}

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