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Presiding While Black
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nice post. thanks.
GREAT read bro, I appreciate the honesty in this. It opened my eyes a bit as well, especially the part about your father.
Hey dont be ashamed of a tear because of the treatment of Obama during the last few years. To me unfortunately the more things change the more they stay the same. There are two things that will never change politics and racism. Sure no one is getting on a horse and riding around town in a white sheet and a fired pitchfork burning a cross in a yard but what is the difference between that and the Tea Party has been spewing the minute after the last dance at Obama's inauguration. Their goal as well as the Republican Party (and some Democrats) is to not allow this N— to get anything accomplished. If Obama said he got world peace they would somehow be against it.
realest shit you ever wrote. *In my Ron Artest voice "I cry for Mike, I cry for Mike…"
I understand how devastating it can be for you, but perhaps people are putting too much stake and pride in a man who isn't much different from other presidents. This Obama/Trump drama is a sideshow to keep people upset and talking– Donald got what he wanted out of all this– more attention at the humiliation of a man who is an icon for blacks and many others.
There's no need to apologize if you own up to living vicariously through the Obamas and their blackness and success. But when you live vicariously, you run the risk of letting an external thing have a direct impact on YOURSELF when such things are attacked and diminished. This is why I am self-sufficient and don't give a shit what white people think or do about black people. I need not their approval; I know who I am and take pride in myself.
TV is not reality– it's a circus show! Keep it in mind. I empathize with you and understand why you felt hurt, but take the power back into your own hands and out of the grips of a rich white racist shill.
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