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216: Smellavator
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A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny
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As the "Official Bi-racial Gal" of the Black Guy Who Tips Podcast, I, as always, love the podcast—I love how much I laugh, how it makes the day go by faster, and how much I actually learn about stuff—-I never really listened to the Wu-Tang Clan, but the shouts of "Man-delllllllla……Mandelllllla" makes me want to start listening, and I am learning a lot more about sports and college football and am enjoying being able to discuss sports with my male friends.
With all that being said (yes, Rod, you may actually have to click "more" now), I am saddened that my period of loneliness (which may be hard for a very cool married couple like you and Karen to relate to as you just celebrated your awesome wedding anniversary (CONGRATULATIONS! 🙂 ) ) is seen as being cray cray. You all mentioned having a drink with me (or rather, being afraid to, along with Marshall–is he single? Ha!) — I rarely drink, and when I do, I tend to be more hyper, keep the party going, super funny, and can have deep conversations about politics and such. But, no, I wouldn't be emotional or crying. So, please understand that my loneliness doesn't mean cray cray…it just means that maybe I need to find more hobbies or hit the gym more or something along those lines. But there is no sword ratchedness or any of that craziness that occurs in Florida popping off in my circle.
As always, keep up the great pod-casting work. I have been able to learn so much about other podcasts and being able to laugh out loud at my desk for no apparent reason helps to keep colleagues from trying to borrow my office supplies. (see, I can laugh at the cray cray thing—to a degree) 🙂