A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

The Black Guy Who Tips Podcast Live at 5 pm EST. (Music at 4:45 pm)

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1 Comment

  1. ProfessLCH

    I’m on a cruise ship, on limited Internet minutes, watching your faces w/o sound. I’m trying not to be rude. However, I SOOOOO want to listen and laugh and use up ALL of our minutes! Alas; I shall be appropriate and do the right thing: download you later and listen in secret AND when me and my travel pal can’t stand the sound of each other’s voice! Looks like you two are having fun. I’m a hater ’cause I can’t listen in!


    Your resident SaberTooth (who’s allowing young native menz sell her bagloads of crap likely made in China and NOT the Caribbean islands she’s visiting)

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