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275: Better Than P*ssy
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Two quick points…
Qdoba needs every gimmick they can use to try and get people out of Chipotle and into to their store. Even their workers wish they were at Chipotle. I’m not saying Qdoba is all that bad. It just pisses me off when my group at the office thinks burritos for lunch and then someone says Qdoba like its the coldest. The only reason i ever go there myself is because chipotle’s lines are crazy.
2ndtively (new favorite word): Ice Cube already “confirmed” a new friday with the return of Chris Tucker (client of Mo Money Taxes apparently).
Hey whats up Rod and Karen? I am halfway through listening to the Better Than Pussy episode and I wanted to comment on the Chinese open racism in America. You mentioned how you were surprise there was no protest from Chinese people on racial comments or jokes about them. The reason why is because white America or really America in general are the niggas to the Chinese. We spend our money on what we want and beg for what we need. We are in a substantial amount of debt with China and we rely heavily on their exported goods. Groups of people who are at a higher advantage typically don’t respond to those who are less advantage than them. That is why fat women can make fun of skinny women, dwarfs can make fun of regular size or tall people, and blacks can crack jokes on whites and all the do is smile and say, “Yep! thats us alright.” In doing so it makes the ones at an advantage look like bullies.