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323: Fatherhood Revolutions
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I finally listened to this show yesterday. This is my second year listening to this episode. This should be required listening for all fathers and sons. I'm older than you and younger than your dad. I love hearing his perspective on the events and music of the day like Drake. Your dad's reaction to that song is awesome. I have a 20 year old son who happens to be a Drake fan. I've tried to change his mind, but I had to give up. Your Dad talked about getting a whipping for "old and new." My dad used to say that same bs to me and my brother. The community Vanessa Del Rio tape has also hilarious. My dad did that same shit with me and my brother. We had a box of porno mags that moved from under one twin bed to the other. We found out that my dad used to check them out too. He never said anything to us about.
I'm inspired watching the interaction between you and your dad. It helps me see the importance of letting go, and allowing your kid to be an adult. We can talk about Big K.R.I.T, Currency and I actually know what he is talking about. He turns me on to dope shows on Cartoon Network like The Loiter Squad and Workaholics on Comedy Central. I love the way you and your dad go back and forth, but I still can't believe you curse in front of your dad. LOL Great show. Keep up the good work!
Hey guys I just wanted to compliment this show. Your dad is so cool. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I also wanted to thank you guys for introducing me to other podcast greats such as fiyastarter hey you know it keith and the girl wheres my 40 acres etc. One more thing, did you guys see that Brian Mcknight video to If you're ready to learn. It's hilarious. Okay i'm out thank you guys and continue doin the damn thing yall are the best.