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365: Everything In Moderation
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Couple of things. First – great show. Second – when Rod was reading the news about the guy who got frostbite on his penis and said if that was Gotham City he would've gotten super powers, I damn near veered off the road I was laughing so hard. Bravo on your breakdown of the debate also.
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Hey Karen and Rod, I agree with ya'll on the ESPN Broke documentary. I'm always hesitant to watch anything about football player's money. I always dread hearing other people complain about how dumb the players are, so I was happy to see that the documentary was quite sympathetic giving reasons why the players end up broke. There wasn't a moment of "Haha look at these dumb niggas buying chains for all their boys, this is why they shouldn't get paid so much." More people need to watch this so they can stop being assholes towards players and care about what the players do with their own fucking money.
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