A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

376: Pee-riod

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  1. Joe Spacely

    Chris Lamberth was funny. Checked out his YouTube channel – good stuff. Interesting to see the places comics perform in when they start out; some really small rooms, but he's got the goods. Thank you both for bringing him to the show – you do a great job in getting interesting guests.

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  2. Tyrone

    Nigga…hey Mrs. Karen, but Nigga, drunk white people eating chicken, Fantasy slut leagues, "Hot dog it's me…but thas still hearsay", 19 kids in a mid-size vehichle, slit throats, old men stabbing a nigga who walk into knife(?) and then jump out of window "Omar style", cannibals, and "never dry back spics" who really bite balls…scrotums nigga! I'm with Nicki Minaj, dog, only "Mittens" can save us, LOL. The slow start leading up to ratchet ass crescendo was the best. Great show ya'll, peace.

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