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404: Hi Hater
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That idea you had about month-long New Years' resolutions is a really great idea. You could actually make goals that you could realistically finish and hold yourself accountable for. So one New Years' resolution could be to learn how to cook, so you could take a cooking class in, say March. One could be to learn to play an instrument, and you could take a class on that in, say September.
I know you said that to set up a joke, but that's a fantastic idea. I'm seriously gonna try that.
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Cleveland a make her jump…
Co-sign the open world sandbox type game criticism, but my problem is a little different. I get so locked into the character that playing something like Sleeping Dogs with my wife becomes way too stressful. She'll ask to play for a bit and start punching random people, and I can barely suppress the urge to yell, "STOP!! WEI WOULD NEVER BEHAVE IN THIS FASHION!". I guess its the same reason why I'm always on the light side with star wars games, always paragon in mass effect, but will kill the shit out of innocents as Kratos in god of war. Apparently given too many options I just default to how i'd expect the character to act.
All that aside good show, Dark Hater is always a good listen.
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