A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

435: Post Huff Post Rod

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  1. Nicoletta Jewishingt

    First of all, the episode image is giving me everything I need in life and more. I remember when this was Rod's twitter profile pic. Ah memories. Also, did Karen say that most of the people who responded to the poll were "cool people who don't hang where nerds conjugate?" Yeah young. I think she did. That tank so clever and adorable. Also, I was the one who commented on the Willie Lynch letter. I don't know if the letter is "real" or not, I just know when thinking about the division of the black family I think about what's written in the letter. I also know that someone wrote it at some point. I heard of this letter before the internet existed, yes, i'm of that age and proud about it. I'm not old, my expiration date hasn't passed, i'm seasoned.I might even be cute and stuff. The letter itself might not be real, but the hoax has been passed around way before the internet.

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us '0 which is not a hashcash value.

  2. HC

    I was genuinely happy for you guys and your Huffington Post recognition. That is, until Karen said ALL of us were in Huffington Post! I made it! From ashy to classy, from Marcy to Madison Square! I put in on this! Look, America, check out how HC is living! I'm walking around disrespecting everyone's house rules, stepping on couches with muddy boots! Just know when y'all win big time awards, I'm gonna be ALL on stage, ALL in the videos, dancing (Suge Knight at the Source Awards voice). Speaking of awards, knowing that Black Guy Who Tips nation has its share of haters out there, people threatening to toss Pre-Huffpost Rod up and saying nobody is checking for you guys, maybe you and Karen need to make a video like Lebron and D Wade did and post it on twitter. Rod and Karen just happy as hell, making niggas mad. I imagine its what Post-Huffpost Rod would do.

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us '0 which is not a hashcash value.

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