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438: The 2012 Tippies
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Damn, can’t believe Rod got shut out of the Tippies…I should have nominated Rod’s Chubb Rock impression, but I thought it was just a personal favorite.
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What’s going on Rod and Karen. Just caught the feedback show and wanted to touch on the rape topic. First, I’m glad that you guys continue to talk about rape and continue to shed light on a serious subject for men. As a lawyer, I think I can finally apply something I’ve learned to a real subject. Using my knowledge of class action suits, I’ve come up with a way to think about sex that will help young men out here navigating these grey areas of sex. In class actions, there are generally two kinds. There’s the opt-out class, where if you are part of the class of people suing, you have to get out of the class if you have a reason you want to sue the defendant on your own or you lose your right to file a suit against them. Sadly I think that some men have this idea of sex. They feel like if a woman didn’t say “no” or provide some tangible opposition to sex, then having sex its with them is ok. Instead, I think men need to have an “opt-in” mentality for sex. Opt-in classes require plaintiffs to agree to be a part of the class that sues a defendant. If they don’t, they aren’t a part of the class and have to sue on their own. This mentality would clear up a lot of grey area for dudes. Unless the woman opt-ins, or gives some verbal or unmistakeable affirmation that she wishes to engage in and continue to have sex, then you’re free to engage in it. Otherwise, you don’t b/c she didn’t opt in to it.
Also, LeBron is about to get that win streak dog! Let the year of Bron continue!
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