A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

467: The Problem With Blackademics

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  1. Misskrysable

    I sorry Rodren but Ima leave that last week’s feedback on this week’s feedback show *pause* I think I said that right…
    Anywho while I got some good word diarrhea going let me spit some stuff out before another week then another week pass I’ll go in the order of reasonable to ratchet:

    1. Rodren: If you really break it down there is so much beauty in the American black dialect. The mere fact that our ancestors literally had to make something out of nothing is awesome! They didn’t have Rosetta Stone back then and if they did they weren’t trying to have negroes tap into that technology. So I think lots of the American black southern dialect speaks volume of where we came from. Evidently they say a lot of us especially from Louisiana came from the Banjo or Banju region of Africa where the people were really musical ie the banjo instrument (yall fact check me on this I don’t feel like googling right now). So the combination of musical roots, improvising, quick thinking (slaves had to think quick and learn quick) equals a proud heritage, and keeping it real especially as I grow older I DO find pure beauty in the way especially old black people talk, their accent, word ordering etc. It’s music to my ears. Plus if it weren’t for that American Black dialect the world would be 83.27% less cooler. American Blacks invented cool and the roots come from the way we verbalize things. So when I hear Uncle Charles talk it’s like rough poetry because it is. That’s why that auto-tuned song is so awesome there is natural rhythm and rhyme to the way he and lots of especially old and southern black folk talk.

    1. Rod: While watching “Bill Maher” (not crazy bout the guy but enjoy the show) he had a dude on there who has a book out called “Eat Vegan Before 6” which is basically your day-getarian idea! You better go git yo check!

    2. Karen: One thing you missed on your porn rating is the “Shemale” or “PTG” for pre-op transgendered warning. Man one day I had downloaded this “orgy” vid…don’t judge if multiple things is happening then I can focus on the parts I like. But anyway I had a weird feeling right off the bat the folks had that scruffy Eastern European look and I was already like the dudes gonna be extra thirsty and they’re not going to be packing so I was already not feeling it but I turned the volume up (I usually turn it on mute because talking and noise gets on my nerves), and of course they were speaking some foreign language. So they had this lady put on a skinny, black strap on and I was like “I guess the dudes wanna see a lady do another lady” but as they were doing the back or as yall would call it the “behind the balls shot” I was like “Why her vagina lips so swollen? That don’t look healthy, they almost look like testicles” Then other scenes with other couples were going on and then going back to the lady with the strap on, it looks like she was masterbating with the strap on on like it was a masterbating motion like with a dick not a vagina, but I couldn’t see well because they first showed that part with a table blocking the full view but a few seconds later…BAM! That lady really has a super slender real dick! I think I was more confused for the fact that the real dick was so slender and smooth, but it was real and a dude came around and sucked her real dick while he masterbated. SMH

    Sorry for the word diarrhea now back to my lear,

    Miss Krysable

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