A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

TNO 25: Stop Spoiling Your Own Movies!


Rod is joined by Karen, Kev and N’Jaila to discuss Arrow, Agents Of Shield, 3DS update, Xbox One Demos, Amazing Spider-man, Xbox One update, Gran Turismo sales, NSA spying on Warcraft, EA gets an award, the VGX award winners, PS3 porn, Telltale games announced, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, Gal Gadot, Benedict Cumberbatch, Marvel-like Universe, Hugh Jackman not sure about the next Wolverine movie, Bay won’t apologize, Ubisoft pulls music copyright and Gamefly digital gets it right.

N’Jaila’s Website

Kev’s Website

1 Comment

  1. ChuckSpears

    Well, it really messed with my brain when you and N’Jaila were talking about X-Men time lines. The two issue story arc Days of Future Past came out in 1980, Age of Apocalypse came out came out 15 years later and was a mega X-Book crossover that lasted maybe a full year. Maybe the stories appeared with AoA first in the animated X-Men series. Ughh, it’s a small quibble and I know I just fell into a Nerd Trap and displayed some Nerd RAAAAAGE, but I love you guys, and I don’t want other nerds tearing you down.

    The thing is, it doesn’t matter when the stories took place any way, Brian Singer gives zero fucks about the continuity anyway.

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