A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

673: #CancelTBGWT


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Rod and Karen discuss a good April Fool’s joke to do, Noah, Arnold bombing at the box office, more info on #CancelColbert and Suey Park, Jamilah Lemieux vs the lying ass RNC, wife gets 30 years for pushing husband to his death, Black Jeopardy, #CancelSNL, step father beats boy in the shower with his daughter, father kills boy in bed with his daughter, woman tries to burn down house with bacon and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


And they’re on Twitter: @ShadowDogProd


  1. Kyle

    Suey Park‬ VS Lupe fiasco in a debate for the ages! How many buzzwords would get
    thrown around?

  2. lena

    So I was one of those individuals that jumped on the ‪#‎IstandwithSueyPark‬
    hashtag. I was reacting more to the racism, death threats, and rape
    threats that were being thrown her way. After reading articles and
    seeing her real position on ‪#‎CancelColbert‬
    trend, I feel like I’ve been played big time. While, I don’t support
    those who want to silence and threaten her voice, I don’t support people
    who manipulate others so cavalierly. It’s sophomoric and reckless at
    the very least.

    Lesson Learned: Twitter may bring light to
    issues that aren’t mentioned in mainstream media, hashtag activists are
    bullshit prima donnas who are piggy-backing on serious causes, and derailing them, to gain
    more followers and attention. I can’t support anybody who styles themselves as such.

  3. PrinceLeron

    Black people have latched to the Black Jeopardy skit like I have ever seen them attack something before. I made a comment that I thought it was hilarious and immediately started catching shade. The most popular being that I should be ashamed of supporting the self-deprecation of African Americans for the enjoyment of white people. They called the skit “the 2014 version of the Minstrel Street” and they were not kidding. I started to make a counterpoint but decided that those niggas were not worth the response. I just don’t live evaluate every decision in my life based on how it will be perceived by white people. Lastly, When Keenan was naming the categories he almost said “if that was a nigga” instead of “if that was me” but he caught himself. Imagine what will happen if he would have slipped.

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