A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

747: Lettie Mae Daniels’ Lip Acting School


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Rod and Karen are joined by Justin to discuss True Blood, actor who quit True Blood, Dungy, McDonald’s “meat”, poor doors, KKK cops, Kingdom of North Sudan, poker game, principal smack smuggler, pervy gyno and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @rhymeoverreason
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186




  1. LeslieMac (@LeslieMac)

    Thanks for having such a great discussion about Tony Dungy & his trifling, can’t even back-pedal properly ass. The days of public figures proving themselves to be bigots & then trying to play one of the typical card “It’s the MEDIA!”, “I was misunderstood”, “I have a right to my opinion” etc is OVER. We have moved beyond the 24-hour news cycle straight to the 24-hour think piece cycle. And ain’t NO ONE getting out of that cycle un-served!

    Also – I completely agree that this was the best episode of True Blood so far this season. IMHO the show jumped the shark the minute that Manaed & her meat tree showed up (boo to Eggs too!). My favorite episode was the finale in Season 1 when they showed that painted toe-nail sticking out of the dumpster behind Merlotte’s making me think they killed my boy Lafayette. Most frustrating to me as someone who has read the books is that number of great story-lines they had to choose from, but instead went with “witches” & “Billith” instead… their most complete season plot-wise was Season 1 which was taken directly from the 1st book. The show changed a lot of the details (including who was killed & who was the killer) – but the basic plot was from the book. Only 5 more episodes to go – YOU CAN DO IT!

    Love you guys! (I only like Justin 😉

  2. HC

    I’ve never believed in the distraction stuff. I remember back when Brett Favre had to go to rehab for painkiller addiction before training camp. It was so distracting they won the Super Bowl. If anything would be a distraction it would be Aaron Hernandez to the Patriots last year. Distracted them right into the playoffs. Maybe this is an insight into why Dungy’s teams fell apart so often in the playoffs, no telling what minor stuff was distracting him from coaching on the sidelines.

  3. PrinceLeron

    Why are GMs so comfortable drafting these easily distracted players. People call T.O. a distraction but notice that none of his teams got better after he left. It’s all bullshit for people who are not doing their job. There is no way in hell a player could go to Coach Fisher and say “I didn’t play well because of the Michael Sam distraction, so you can’t cut me.” That dude would still be cut. And it so predictable that all the bigots that don’t care about Sam will be watching the rams preseason soooo hard.

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