A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

771: #BeyMAs


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Rod and Karen discuss the MTV’s VMAs, snake kills chef, peeping toms okay with cleric, 10 years hard labor for gays, pranked the news again, fingernail date rape tell, new words added to dictionary, Ferguson with black people, blind man shoots nephew, ice bucket criminal, meta mugshot, Dr. Feel good and sword ratchetness.

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  1. nell210s

    Beyonce’s performance was awesome. I almost wanted pay to see her live. Then I realized how much tickets were, and that brought me back down to reality. What was disturbing after the performance was I saw people going in on Blue Ivy’s hair on social media? I’m like really after that performance that is all you noticed. I don’t understand what is wrong with hair. Also, she is a little girl why would you go in on innocent child.

  2. Kyle

    Even though I’m not a fan of Beyonce’s music I admire the way she has handled her career. You rarely see mainstream artist playing the long game and that is definitely what she has been doing. Now she is probably more popular than when she was younger. In contrast, Taylor swift kind of reminds me of societies obsession with youth. Unlike Beyonce, the sudden change of Swift’s image seems forced and a little desperate in my opinion. Honestly I think I can identify with Beyonce’s Workmanlike approach more than I can Swift or Iggy.

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