A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

867: Empire Strikes Black


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Rod and Karen discuss listener feedback. Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. sugahbabe

    Rod, you read an email from a listener who spoke about the ‘liberties’ Ava D took with Selma. When you said: “That swordfight on the bridge…”, I legit looked at my speakers in confusion and then I went: Shit, there goes Rod trolling us. Goddammit! That was good low-key trolling.

  2. NicJu

    I’m going to have to call in more often, been so long y’all done gave my voice away. Love you two!

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