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Rod and Karen review Chappie.


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    I thought Chappie was slightly better than Elysium, which I found to be overbearing & pretentious; but, when I left my viewing of it, I knew damn well it was living off of the District 9 aesthetic. If I were to use an analogy to associate Neill Blomkamp, it’s that he reminds me of Andrew Luck. Sports pundits quickly want to anoint him as a legend immediately, willfully forgetting that Russell Wilson has done more in his young career in comparison to Luck. Sure, he puts up great numbers & is deserving of being talked about, but; alas, problem with sports talk (and film discussions), it rarely allows for nuisance.

    Blomkamp used that one gimmick again & tried to pull a fast one with viewers & critics; and, finally, it bit him. People got tired of the simple film-making, needless slow-motion, & found footage news reports that were just veneers to cover up some of the lazy story-telling here.

    Once upon a time, Blomkamp’s name meant something in an industry ruled by Nolan, Whedon, Scorsese & Spielberg. Now, we just know him as the guy who hit it off big with District 9, but “eh” with his other two movies. One major caveat for his next film, If his new Alien has a version of Ninja’s sorry-ass in it, someone better smack the soul out of Blomkamp. Couldn’t stand that guy in Chappie.

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