A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

947: Rod Becomes An Atheist


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Rod and Karen discuss listener feedback.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

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  1. Animaine_Sparkster

    Oh man. Mr Sola Scriptura gave me about five headaches. As a former Christian, I actually remember spouting some of the same bs this dude was pushing. Also I love the idea that his interpretation of the bible is the only correct one. There are so many different denominations, each with its own unique slant on hermeneutics (pronounced her-men-ooo-tiks, the study and interpretation of biblical text). Some are more radical, some more open minded and liberal. But all of them have some type of biblical support to back up what theyre saying. That’s bound to happen with a holy text with so many contradictory statements. So for him to say Rod was making strawnan arguments against Christians as if they all believe the same this is, itself, a straw man. Clearly when Rod and Karen go in on homophobic fundies (short for fundamentalists, or Christians who take the bible as the literal, unerring truth of God ie Kirk Cameron and Jerry Fallwell) who shit on science, theyre obviously only talking about Christians who believe such things. True Christianity? This guy was nothing but a true asshat.

  2. Damien Jones

    One thing that I am concerned about with the teacher student sex issues talked about in episode 944 is what happens when these kids catch feelings? Teenage years are difficult enough without falling in love with a teacher who may or may not feel the same way. It could be worse if they both fall in love. The emotional damage in general is a crime that should be punished harshly and equally.

  3. Tanya Weiman (@tanyaweiman)

    Late comment on the photo used for the “Denzel Old” episode — oh man, when the heck did Denzel turn into an old Duane Dibbley?!? (Character from hilarious sci-fi comedy tv show “Red Dwarf”) http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/reddwarf/images/8/81/Idontwanttobeduanedibley.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/300?cb=20091026095923

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