A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

997: Brought To You By HRC and Koch Bros


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Rod and Karen discuss the media circus around the joke hashtag #BernieSoBlack, BallerAlert, bodies in a freezer, burning down a yoga studio and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Site: www.tweakedaudio.com


  1. EvieE

    Bernie so black he stabbed someone for reneging on books in a game of spades.

  2. PrinceLeron

    I wonder if you guys picked up a few new listeners after Berniesoblack hashtag. I hope that were not expecting two hours of Rod and Karen activism. If they did, They’re are still trying to understand how yall went from discussing news to singing Five Star Bitch. You two are the best.

  3. Amani

    Rod and Karen 2016!

    TBGWT might be the most powerful podcast in the world! Apparently Rod is behind a 40 year master plan to bring down Bill Cosby, on the payroll of both the Clintons AND the Kochs, and is single-handedly responsible for bringing down Bernie Sander’s presidential chances. All I know is Fable had better come correct on that next beta or feel some more of that ether!

    It’s just crazy that it’s been almost a week of Standers still getting in Black folks mentions for having the nerve to just demand their candidate court our vote and speak to our issues. And the worst part is his campaign actually started trying to do it this week, but his supporters are just making it harder to even think about voting for him.

    Oh well, I’ll leave you two to topple another empire next week. I guess these are just the accomplishments you unlock when you hit 1,000 episodes. Congrats to the King and Queen! You guys have worked your asses off and deserve all the praise in the world. Seriously love the both of you.

  4. MarvWon

    Congrats On that Koch and Hillary money. Seriously tho love this Ep. Its so dope that a joke helped open up a presidential candidate to the fact he mite have the wrong approach when it comes to race. Not taking anything away from the activist who protested I feel like each component played a role. An hopefully the “Standers” take the hint and back off a bit.

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