A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

BDS 128: A Very Happy Group Of Guys


Rod and Justin are joined by B Cole to discuss listener feedback, the NFL, is Steph better than Bron now, the NFL upcoming week, #Mizzou controversy, Gary Pinkel, Jeff Van Gundy on Dallas fans, Greg Hardy, Packers fan accusing Cam of stealing, Matt Barnes, Cousins, Jose Reyes, Ronda Rousey, Gerald Green, Ray Ray Armstrong, Manziel, JT Barrett arrest, De La Hoya letter to Mayweather, Jason Campbell, Ray Lewis song, Micheal Wright is dead, Chris Berman lawsuit settled, Draft Kings, Fan Duel Lawsuit, Jay-Z bet 100K on Cotto, Lynch gives McDonald’s employee 500 dollars, Broner mad at Mayweather, Illinois football player accused of sexual assault, Steph Curry’s season by stats and this week in Mamba.


  1. Amani

    Hey Rod and Justin

    No clowning this week, just Dab on them folks!

    Cam got people in their feelings again and the hate is so good! There’s nothing they can say, he’s 9-0 and folks are reaching for anything to try to call him a thug. Let that soul burn slow! And on the low, 2 of of the top 3 seeds in the NFC right now have Black Quarterbacks. Teddy trying to get back in Rod’s good graces. Who had the Vikings at 7-2 over Aaron Rodgers and the Packers? How in the world did my sorry ass Niners beat them and Adrian Peterson’s child beating hands? But I do know Rod enjoyed those 200 yards running all over Doughstax’s team

    Speaking of beatdowns, Steph and the Warriors arein’t playing fair. They were down 23 to the Clippers and I still KNEW they were going to come back to win. Even saw a stat that since last season they’ve won 50% of the games where they trail by 20. It’s unbelievable man. They were 89% from THREE in the 4th quarter and Steph is dropping the breeziest 40 a game I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine how crazy it is for y’all when you used to play with him. Between him and Cam (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUPDE9JWUAEmTKt.jpg) a combined 22-0. North Carolina just winning this week!

    P.S. Justin have you come around on #DatZingis yet?! I respect your Phil Jackson agenda but if you want to keep that going there’s always clowning Derek Fisher. The man can’t coach in the 4th quarter to save his life. I swear we blow a double digit lead every game. His dumb ass tried to leave Porzingis on the bench when he was putting up 30 and 10. That boy can ball, even Melo is starting to look for him on offense. He’s the captain now.

  2. Redshirt

    Swear to God, was thinking to myself “Man, its been a while since we’ve heard from B Cole.”

    Happy to see he’s on today!

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