A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1099: Fitting The Description


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Rod and Karen discuss Destiny Velez losing her position, Bernie Sanders campaign saw some of Hillary’s voter data, Meek Mill in court, Steve Harvey crowns the wrong contestant, Star Wars making money, Cumia accused of hitting his girlfriend, R. Kelly walks out on an interview, chipotle has another outbreak, Hermoine, Lupe Fiasco, Black Lives Matter sign taken down from church, Black Fathers, Rachel Dolezal, BallerAlert, teen kills Rabbi, man shoots wife, man’s girlfriend turns him in and sword ratchetness.

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Will Meek Mill go back to jail?


  1. EvieE

    It comes as absolutely no surprise to me that Anthony Cumia is a woman beater. He seems like the type to pray on people weaker than him, but in typical keyboard warrior fashion, he won’t say shit to someone’s face. Notice how he was going off in that rant about that woman who allegedly attacked him and how he said he could have killed her if he wanted to and he would have been justified. If he truly felt that way, he would have done it instead of ranting about it on the internet. I met him shortly after he got kicked off of Terrestrial radio at a poker game. I had casually asked him about the shitty stuff he’s said on his radio show. That loser had absolutely nothing to say because he’s a coward. And that’s what keyboard warriors do. They back down in public but have plenty to say online behind the safety of their computer. I’d also like to point out because I can be petty as hell, that he was also extremely unattractive.
    I’d like to feel more sympathy for the woman in that periscope video but I notice how she was quick to call him a bigot. If that really bothered her, then why take issue with it in that moment instead of just dumping him. Girl Bye.

  2. iDamienJackson

    Nigga this picture for this Episode Ended Me! Ha!

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