A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1165: Denise Finally Gets The Point


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Rod and Karen discuss Karen taking her first yoga class, the death of Phife Dawg, a recap of The Walking Dead and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


And they’re on Twitter: @ShadowDogProd

Code: FreeTBGWT


  1. Law

    Yo Rod, you ever see that Beats, Rhymes and Life documentary on Tribe?http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1613023/

    Check it out if you get a chance. It’s actually free on Crackle and I saw it 2 weeks ago. One of the best documentaries I’ve seen on a group period. Phife’s death would have hit me hard, but it wouldn’t be anywhere near as hard if that documentary wasn’t in recent memory, man. At times I felt like it might’ve been even TOO personal, haha.

  2. hirojashibe

    Okay, So here the thing I am not Mad if Negan’s Crew Fucks up Rick’s Crew now. Do not get me wrong I am Team Richonne all the way, but looking at from an Outsider Perspective in what has happen these last few weeks, and all things Team Richonne has done to Negan’s crew indirect or directly.
    I mean look what has happen from Negan Crew Perspective

    1. A massive Zombie herd starts coming down the Road for some unknown reason.
    (We still have not seen the fall out from that on our end)

    2. Some of your guys get pop from an unknown reasons chasing down we now know to be Dwight .
    (Yeah you got a Sweet Bike and Crossbow out of the mess but still lost a couple of guys)

    3. Another crew gets blown up in the middle of the Road by a Fricking Rocket Launcher

    4. You lose a base, goods, and the people inside said base …… as… they.. were …sleeping.

    5. A back up crewing coming up to that said base is taking out ,along with their back up crew, and
    another base is lost.

    6. Now you’re bitten peoples Dicks off, and more guys get wounded or killed.

    That is a lot of reason to take be out somebody and Team Richonne has given plenty of reason for Negan’s Crew to Justifiably seek out a reckoning .

    I do want Team Richonne to win in the end against Team Negan but they ‘re no Hero’s in the ZPac.

    When the fight happens I am not going to be Mad.

    Have a Great Sat Y’ll. Namaste Karen.

  3. Luckedout

    I’m guessing you’ve already been messaged about Rosita being in Terminus. To be fair, we’re 6 seasons in and she barely did anything but shank zombies in the background for the longest time. Anyway, she got to Terminus in a car, so she doesn’t relate spending days on a railroad tracks to a grill.

    Rosita has had more development since Abe broke up with her. She’s always been a useful and dependable support. Taking it upon herself to fight when she needs to and teach others as well. And now we’re seeing that despite personal hurts, she’s still a team player. Not that I see her acknowledging Abe or Sasha anytime soon.

    I don’t know if it’s the silver hair, but I’m sure that Carol is the oldest member of the group. She lived the longest in the old world in an abusive relationship and there’s no retirement unless she dies or gets too crippled to fight. The struggle is not going to end within her lifetime and I believe that she’s just tired of having to worry and care about others, like she worried about Sophia with her husband.

  4. Cappadonna

    Rod – we are officially friends. Tribe is my all time favorite group, hands down. When I bought my first stereo with a CD player, I re-bought the entire Tribe Discography. I played Low End Theory until I popped, I made a copy just to make sure it stayed around. It’s also how my whole vibe goes with Hip-hop. I had the honor of seeing Phife on one of his last tours with Tribe at Rock the Bells in San Bernardino (33rd birthday gift from my wife) and Jones Beach, Long Island two years prior (30th birthday gift from me to me). My favorite Christmas gift was a Tribe Called Quest Greatest Hits from my kid brother. Yes, it was only 10 bucks, but hell, that gift is awesome on so many levels.

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