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1223: Chopping It Up With The Hound


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Rod and Karen are joined by Justin and Dexter to recap HBO’s Game of Thrones.

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1 Comment

  1. Amani

    Man, Kimmy Gibbler wanted to kill Arya so bad her dick was hard. She may be the youngest, but Arya is the only Stark that has any sense and will kill a motherfucker instead of waiting for them to act right.

    We know about the Starks’ honor, but the Lannisters’ curse is being too smart for their own good. Cersei done lost her whole city and her son fucking with religious zealots. And I didn’t catch it until your recap (best in the game) but Tommen is having Cersei’s trial ON MOTHER’S DAY? That punk ass son gotta go and I’m betting she’s going to end up killing him. Wouldn’t surprise me the way Jamie’s been talking about nothing matters to him but her that he’ll have to kill her in the end too.

    Tyrion is going down the same path with the Slavers and Red Priestesses. Although if all of them are that fine as a requirement I can’t blame him. We got another Black bae on the show, House Jackson stand up! I do think Varys is going to Dorne to get the Sand Snakes, but I noticed he left right before the Slavers showed up and Dany came back. Just saying… And If you thought Sherman burned slave lands, wait until Khaleesi puts three dragons on your ass!

    Great recap this week can’t wait for that Bastard Bowl!

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