A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1261: Happy National Left Handers Day!


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Rod and Karen discuss listener feedback.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Code: FreeTBGWT


  1. pat

    Hi TBGWT,
    I know that you were ranting on how hard it is to be left-handed. I think you will enjoy this hilarious comic’s take on the subject. Check it out and I promise you’ll be laughing out loud.

  2. Amani

    Now let me clear Rod. You come at the King, you best not miss! (Flex Bomb)

    You think you can just slide the propaganda in out of left field? This is a good right country, and the streets ain’t falling for the okey doke! Let me make this known to the so-called Black Guy Who Tips. Do we even know how much he tips? Nah, didn’t think so! (Oooooooooh)

    I’m the King of New York son! We haven’t had a relevant hip hop artist without copying the south in 10 years but we the king baby! You’d better recognize!

    See all you had to do was say it in a way I can understand. Facts B!! Now y’all keep doing the best podcast around and having fun doing it or I’m going to have to put my Timbs on and come down there!

  3. DrUzo82

    I love the show, getting this folding money together to contribute soon! Been listening for just over a year now since hearing your commentary on Andrew “I’m not gay no more” Caldwell on TWiB (“You ain’t gay no less!” LMFAO… you are hilarious). Anyhow…
    Listening to your commentary on Mark Lamont Hill voting Green is just another example of how some on the left believe in the myth of the grand revolution over incremental progress. Anyone with a broad view American history knows that every “revolution” was really a series of small events over a period of years/decades, but because we boil our history down to seminal events, no one pays attention to all the work in the in-between (s/o to Stranger Things) leading to the clashes, protests, and marches that get credited for bringing the sweeping social changes in our country. Change in America is always incremental and the work never stops which is why I have all the admiration in the world for all the people today who are picking up the mantle to do the thankless work/organizing that is necessary, but that will ultimately be forgotten in the series of marches, elections, and (hopefully) legislation that history will remember years later. The belief that somehow going backwards will foment a “real” revolution that will change everything about this society with ONE election of ONE person is completely antithetical democracy and to all the work people are have done and continue to do on the ground to make lasting change happen. Marginalized people can’t afford to give up the advances we got and it’s super frustrating to see all this attention given to the Green party who only show up to play spoiler be an out-sized voice for a relatively small number of people with low stakes in this or any election.

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