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1355: That White Boy

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Rod and Karen are joined by Ira Hobbs Jr of Blavity and Screenrant to discuss working in nerd culture, McDonald’s news, people who swear are more honest, bringing old school shows back, porn stats, racist woman interviewed, Tyler Perry, white people news, woman upset over scratching tickets, batman mask robbers and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @IraHobbsJr

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Site: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

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Was Bo Biles discriminated against?


  1. EvieE

    Bo Bice had a minor hit after his American Idol stint some ten years ago and since then his albums has been going double aluminum foil, so what better way for him to get in the news than playing the white victimhood card. And to actually shed tears over this when people are suffering through real ass racism? I felt fucked with not only by him but by this is even a news story. The story of the disabled black teen’s abuser getting off with no jail time didn’t get a tenth of this coverage, so fuck him. I’m glad he lost to Carrie Underwood.

  2. Just-a-ton

    Was Bo Bilse discriminated against. Rob ,you should have had an option of hell no. White people so want to be opressed in this country. Was calling him “that white boy” appropriate, no but I doubt the person said it in a way the way white people call black men “boy”. This dude was just trying to get his name in the papers, because I honestly had no idea who he was until I read it on social media and listened to you and Karen speak about it.

  3. Anne

    Welcome to Trump’s America. Also, the story is that WikiLeaks is going to make a data base of Twitter users. https://twitter.com/WLTaskForce/status/817431533183238144

  4. AO

    If you do math, you already know value meals are often not a value. I hope the judge in the lawsuit dismisses it and admonishes the plaintiff to learn how to add. There is NOTHING that says you have to get the meal instead or ordering everything separately. No sympathy.

  5. Sarahleigh

    I about passed out from laughing so hard about that white boy saying he was offended. What the entire hell!? He even cried!?I didn’t think it would be this difficult for white men living in Trumps America.

  6. Freezer

    Loving the show as usual. Just wanted to drop some “well actually” tidbits on the subject of the potential Norman Lear reboots. They’ve actually already tried to reboot a couple ofLear shows. Sort of.

    In the late 80s, Jimmy Walker played Richard Pryor’s role in a TV version of “Bustin’ Loose.” It counts here bcause about a third of the scripts were Good Times stories with the serial numbers filed off. The one where Michael gets conscripted into a street gang? Remade. The one where the Evans’ tricked some poor single mom into not giving up her baby for adoption? Remade. They even got Thelma herself, Bern Nadette Stanis, to guest star in one episode. Don’t remember the plot for that one,because the human mind can only retain so much WTFery.

    – In 1994, “704 Hauser” was an attempt to recreate “All In The Family”, with the gimmick being that a black version of the Bunkers (Conservative dad, liberal daughter with an obnoxious boyfriend, mom trying hard not to kill them all) moved into the Bunkers’ old house. There’s a reason you’ve probably never heard of it as it died hard and fast after six episodes.

    Just some stuff to add to your pop culture lexicon.

    – Freezer

  7. chelslovesshade

    Fuck DAT WHITE BOY!!! Is he offended that he is WHITE?! 100% fucked with.

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