A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1461: What About Voter Suppression Though?

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Rod and Karen discuss Bill Maher’s black guests, Orlando Jones, man dies from choke-hold, Vivica Fox being sued, Walgreen’s pharmacist discrimination, republican politicians acting up, millennials blamed for not eating at chain restaurants, voter suppression, White People News, reporter kicked out of club, 6-12, man sexstorts women and sword ratchetness.

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  1. Arian

    Karen’s husband, you are literally killing me with these acoustic covers. Really?! ‘Pony’?! Seriously?! Thankfully Karen made it a little more bearable with her classic laughter because I felt compelled to do a Matt Barnes and pull up on Rod

  2. Wonga_5

    i skipped a cousins wedding & went to an Olympic basketball game in 2000. it was a womens game between the USA & South Korea & i also ended up meeting the USA mens basketball team after the game & getting my game ticket signed by Mourning, Ray Allen & Tim Hardaway. Way better then anything that could have happened at the wedding.

  3. romusic41

    That white wash version of Pony is straight dumpster juice. Lol

  4. D Ramsey PhDone

    “Pony” remaster in caucasoid realness! I am crying at my desk!

  5. Andrea B.

    How many insults are you going to this acoustic injury, Rod? Huh? You gotta harmonize? Go back and ruin all the baby-making music of sexual encounters past? I won’t stand for it, sir!!! I will NOT!! As always, love the show and love you and Queen Karen!!

  6. D Ramsey PhDone

    If anything….Billy Moherer’s ratings will increase!

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