A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1467: Fireside Craps

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Rod and Karen are joined by J-L Cauvin to discuss his newest comedy album, Trump impressions, Carrie Fisher cause of death, Iliza Schlezinger on women comedians, TJ Miller, All Eyes On Me, White People News and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @JLCauvin

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

Buy J-L’s album “Fireside Crap – The Donald Trump Album” on iTunes!

Artwork my Michael Falk


  1. D Ramsey PhDone

    Welcome back Family! I am so here for Negrocon 2018! J-L Cauvin is foolish!
    Listening to the show again because I cannot get enough!

  2. Anonymous

    I can’t wait to hear J-L’s album. Is it going to be available on Google Play? Also, I might get like you, Rod. J-L will be so spot on that I might get mad thinking it is actually Donald Trump.

  3. mayabee

    Regarding Carrie’s autopsy, it doesn’t change anything for me, but what pisses me off more is that people are going to act like this lady didn’t spend her entire life talking about her struggles with addiction and mental illness or the fact that addiction is a disease that will always be looming over you no more how many years you have been clean and sober. I think what scares me the most is that people are ignoring that sleep apena was the true cause of her death because many people suffer from sleep apena and there’s no awareness surrounding it because what’s scarier than going to sleep and never waking up?

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