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1512: Lil Jon And The North Side Boyz

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Rod and Karen are joined by Nina from Podcast Fandom and Justin to recap Game of Thrones.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @rhymeoverreason @authorninaperez

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

Nina’s Site: www.projectfandom.com


Twitter: @ShadowDogProd


  1. gattsu25

    I’ll keep this brief: Fuck Reek

  2. EvieE

    The only thing this episode needed was for Euron to make an appearance so he can start roasting people. I have to admit that Euron has become a problematic fav for me. He ain’t shit but everyone knows it including him. I hope he’s in this last epsiode. I wonder if he’ll switch to Dany’s side when he see Dany. She is a beautiful woman and she’s not carrying an incesty seed….yet. The finale is going to be epic!!!

  3. Buddy_Love

    When The Hound and Tormund were talking about Brienne I think I heard ‘Same Girl’ by R Kelly and Usher playing in the background

  4. Chance

    Arya and Sansa are in cahoots. Arya’s behavior has been so off the wall that it borders on illogical. The only explanation is Arya knows Littlefinger is trying to set up a conflict and is playing him back. The biggest giveaway for me was Arya giving that dagger to Sansa, because she’s the last one Littlefinger would expect it from. The Lady of WInterfell is gonna spill his Taylor Swift snake emoji ass blood.

  5. Amani

    The Hound is a straight up nigga. Wtf is a cock? We say dick over here homie. Then he over here starting fights because his chicken levels got low. But I’m mad they lost a whole ass dragon so you could bring back ONE zombie. Cersei already got a nigga back from the dead she’s not gonna be impressed! Meanwhile Tyrion on that Tina Fey dawg. Tried to tell Dany this ain’t her problem, just stay home and eat some cake.

    And Dany told Jon she can’t have kids but I’m gonna be outraged when he uses that as an excuse to go raw. He’s about to chop Auntie Dany’s cakes to smithereens and as a responsible adult I have to assume HBO is promoting unprotected incest and treat it as the gospel. They’re where I get all my news on best sexual practices.

    I’m just glad none of the woke people on twitter are mad the main villain in the show is a spear chucker.

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