A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1585: Thankful For 2018

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Rod and Karen discuss what we learned in 2018, Rod’s random thoughts, Azealia Banks apologizes to Bey, Dr Umar’s being investigated, white people news and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

Sponsors: Legal Equalizer App available on iTunes and Google Play


  1. Amani

    Y’all got a nigga crying listening to this episode. Don’t even have to hide behind thug tears, being this real was a moment and it’s exactly the honesty and integrity that is your hallmark. Watching you both come into your own is powerful and whether you know it or not you give other people permission to do it too.

    As “the good son” I’ve had to be responsible for other people my whole life, but it’s only been recently that I’ve started to figure out how to do what makes me happy. Part of that is the same overthinking and pessimism Rod deals with but seeing you let go and trust in your success has helped me to do the same. You two are finally seeing yourselves the way the way we all do, but that’s easier said than done.

    I love y’all for real and I don’t mean as podcasters, as people. Can’t wait to see the growth continue in 2018.

    P.S. Rod might not be as good a hugger as Karen, but I can vouch that his nigga dap is undefeated. Don’t underestimate great point guard skills!

  2. Turq

    Hi guys-

    Happy New Year! The horoscope thing was great. Love you guys.


  3. Anzidavis

    Happy New year to both of you, may 2018 be amazing for TBGWT. Karen and Rod, you both are my problematic faves, Rod, you have taught me the savage way to eat a Kit Kat. Karen, you taught me that it is ok to vote for shiny things and be ok with it. In 2018, I will live my best white woman of color life because 2017 was about learning how to live my best life, thanks to you two. Virtual hugs from me to you.

  4. Janica

    Ok so y’all really got me snot nosed at my desk. I love y’all so much. I started listening right after my favorite uncle passed away and this podcast has brought me so much joy. Ok I gotta blow my nose. Love y’all

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