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1653: Popping Bullets Dripping Blood

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Rod and Karen recap The Walking Dead. Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Twitter: @ShadowDogProd

Fetty Carl T-Shirt: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/2535372-rip-fetty-carl?utm_source=designer&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=y02013

Will Rosita and Darryl try to kill Eugene or just kidnap him?


  1. kccolon10

    (Colon, Pronounced like Cologne that you wear)
    I don’t know why Rosita is still alive. Serioidly, if anyone out there can tell me, let me know, cause she’s a waste of life. Tara can die any day now, and the day she does is the day I throw a party.

  2. EvieE

    I’m going to add the brother who spit on Jadis to my list of people who need to die by the end of the season. That was just gross. So right now my list so far is Negan, Simon, Tara, Edith, Rosita, Eugene, Dwight, everyone at Oceanside and now that spitting dude. All those people can go.

    • EvieE

      Jesus can go too. We need real shooters on this squad.

  3. D Ramsey PhDone

    I hope Gregory is in the car with Negan.
    Why did Jadis let Negan live?

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