A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

Podomatic Having Issues With Podcast Apps

I know everyone is enjoying the circus but you may have noticed that our free podcast isn’t working on some of your podcast apps. This is because Podomatic is having an issue with their site communicating with iTunes and other podcast feed catchers. Podomatic is aware of the issue and working on it. I don’t have an eta on when it will be resolved.

But fear not! There are a couple work arounds at the moment.

1. You can listen via our website for free. Go to an episode (not premium) and look beneath the poll for the episode. You can play it, stream it or download it right from our site.

2. Podomatic’s website is working. So that means you can stream the podcast from Podomatic on our site via the player for the last 10 episodes.

3. Podomatic has an app. You can download their app on your phone and stream episodes right from your phone.

There you have it. I’ll send out another missive when I am informed that Podomatic has fixed the issue.

1 Comment

  1. Minnie

    I’m so glad it’s a known issue. I’ve deleted and re installed my Apple Podcasts App so many times trying to fix this – some episodes play but stop midway & restart, while some don’t stop at all. I’m grateful that we can come to the website for our daily fix for TBGWT – I’ve missed you guys xx

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