A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1797: Bulletball Explained

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Rod and Karen are joined by Justin to discuss Bulletball, flying pastors, tribesman kill missionary, black Friday brawl, Future allegedly threatens baby mama, Chinese food battery, megachurch pastor blackmails mistress, porn VHS heist and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @rhymeoverreason

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Site: GetBevel.com/TBGWT


  1. kedeshabarker@gmail.com

    Ya’ll Niggas ain’t shit

  2. Evie E

    I have to admit, I laughed so hard during the bullet ball segment that I peed my pants a little. Whew Chile incontinence. I’ve heard the run down before but it was even funnier this time around. When he said “I have bullet ball” I was done. I believe he’s had some measure of success but I don’t think it was at the level he think. He may not be living in his car anymore but he’s probably been able to upgrade to a gently used van. Good for him.

    Future is human garbage. I hate to victim blame but damn, anyone still allowing this fool to raw dog them then they’re asking to be saddled with all the baggage that come from this man who’s clearly stunted emotionally. I know Ciara is looking at Future’s other baby mama’s and thinking “I’m not like the rest of those negroes.”

  3. MillyRockLee

    Yoooooo!!!! This damn episode had me and my girlfriend DYING. I had real life tears in my eyes. I wanted to stop laughing cause i was in pain but y’all wouldn’t stop. There was a moment when I thought I may have done actual damage to myself from laughing to long. “What do you have left?”……………………………………………..”Bulletball!”

  4. greatunclebob

    This is my 3rd time hearing the Bulletball story and it never gets old. Those overly self confident chuckles before he talks about how all he needs is Bulletball and how he’s going to make. If i only had half the confidence he has. #MyPoint

  5. Sam G

    YO……. you niggas… had me mothafucking laughing so god damn hard at work everyone in my building thought I was going insane. This has to be the funniest shit I ever heard!!! I don’t know how many times I went back and rewinded to when he said “I have Bulletball”, I’m crying!!!!!! On a serious note though if I can find his product I’m going to ask my boss can we purchase a few for the military enlisted clubs in Okinawa, Japan. Gotta look out for each other, and it aint my money soooo. lol

  6. ClassicRandBLover

    Rod, Karen and Justin,

    This Bulletball episode should have come with a warning label: Warning, do not listen to this episode while you drive. 1) You might find your self laughing so hard you almost lose control of your vehicle. 2) You might laugh so hard that you almost piss your pants and narrowly avoid crashing.

    I mean, it was just too funny from beginning to end. The responses of the panel, the delusion of Mr. Bulletball, too much. But when Justin said as seriously as anyone can that Mr. Bulletball sold his car and Rod asked if Justin thought Mr. BB was just walking around carrying the game table and his balls and Justin replied, “Yes” because that would make Bulletball sense, man I lost it.

    Classic stuff, I might have to go back and find the other Bulletball related casts, at the very least, I have to give this a re-listen. I might never have the courage to watch the actual video; my stomach muscles and bladder can only take so much.

  7. FalconsDiva

    First of all – Bulletball Redux had me crying!!! Every time y’all revisit this I’m in tears and one of these days I’m going to look for the video – but I don’t think it will be as good as y’all describing it.

    Second – I don’t know if y’all should let Justin outside the paywall again. When he said “even when you give money to the homeless, they’re still homeless” it took all I had not to holler at work! So problematic!

    Third – y’all had me bopping at my desk to knuck if you buck!

    Great Show!!!

  8. Trey_swindu744

    Oh my god !!! That shit is real like the invisible car on “Atlanta” that shit is real ,bulletball is a real fucking thing mwahahahahaha.All three of you guys had me lmao crying , I swear this is my first time hearing this guy who invented bulletball story and my soul has been in tears from laughing so hard . This was a great hilarious episode ! Big thanks to lightskin j challa aka Justin for blessing us on the freemium side of the tbgwt universe. Thanks again Justin ,Karen and Rod!

    Trey _swindu744

  9. D Ramsey PhDone

    Please let Rod, Justin, and Karen do all the voice-overs for all the reality shows!!!
    Five Stars!

  10. Forest

    Every single time y’all revisit the Bullet Ball story, it’s always hilarious. I needed this laugh. Thank y’all so much.

  11. theBaconzilla

    I will never miss working the opening shift at a coffee shop next to a Toys R Us
    Never. Ever. Ever. Happening Again.

    Those non-niggas brought their fights from Toys R US to the Coffee Shop line.
    how does anyone have the energy to fight at 5am?

    Like whut?

    Love Yall
    Hate Yall

    – Should be working but laughing to hard Bacon

  12. Mzme

    Rod, Karen, Justin, I just had to write in and thank you for this fabulous birthday day gift that was this episode. First a revisit to BulletBall & y’all voicing the ex-wife! I DIED and am sending this from the afterlife! AND we got a groupie tale, Nigga! Again another great episode

  13. hirojashibe

    Yes, We have a Big Lots in California and they are authentic like our Tacos.

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