A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

MT 42: We Act For Environmental Justice

Rod is joined by the Director of Legislative Affairs for We Act For Environmental Justice to discuss climate change, the Green New Deal, how to get involved locally and how communities of color are impacted by environmental politics.


Kerene Tayloe


  1. SymSymma

    I’m so glad that I got to listen to this episode live, and have replayed it because to make sure I didn’t miss anything while working. I usually enjoy Medium Talk, but Kerene brought up new ways for me to think about environmental justice that I never considered. I’m going to find a WeAct volunteer opportunity that works with my schedule because I love what they are trying to do. Thank you for another great interview!

  2. emiles316

    really enjoyed this medium talk. it was informative and really painted a full picture of how environmental issues impact all the issues we often march and hashtag about. I like the medium talks in general for providing these insights on topics I typically wouldn’t find interest in.

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