A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1910: Who Peed In Your Cornflakes

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Rod and Karen are joined by Rod’s dad on Father’s Day to discuss listener questions, OJ hops on Twitter, man breaks into AOC’s office, man sentenced for peeing in cereal, depression in black boys and black women, Jay-Z helping couple sue police, Ujiri vs police, Captain Steve’s accused of racism, 4 year old steals car, woman arrested driving toy car, cocaine on the nose, woman arrested for beating dog and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. Evie E

    I felt real fucked with over the story with the little four year old who stole his grandfather’s car because of the way the news presented it as a fun story and isn’t he cute. Because I remember Latarian who liked to do hood rat stuff with his friend. People were calling him all kinds of thugs and wanting to arrest the grandmother. I wanted to laugh at this story but I was annoyed that little Chad didn’t get that same energy. Fuck the media.

  2. JohnBabyJohn

    Couldn’t wait for your reply to my grits comment and I have to confess it was hilarious. I’m gone leave that alone. Anyway…when you guys talked about balance in relationships – in particular the role of husbands and fathers – I was reminded of how low the bar is for men in our culture. I’m still surprised when I hear men talking about how they wouldn’t change diapers for example. I insisted on changing diapers for all three of my kids and transformed into a white woman of privilege if there wasn’t a changing table in the men’s room at stores and restaurants. I also do a share of the cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping on top of mowing the lawn and other “men’s” work at OUR house. I think I’ve heard Rod describe this as just common courtesy and appreciation for your partner…I agree.

    Question for Rod, are you more annoyed by people who put sugar in grits or those who rate Dark Knight over Black Panther?

  3. brooklynshoebabe

    I rewatched Terminator two weeks ago and got real geeked when you and your dad said it was your fav movie. It is so good. Every time my daughters try to convince me to use Alexa, I’ll scream SKYNET!! It’s the running joke in my house. Thanks for having your Dad on. I love the mother ‘s day and father’s day episodes.

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