A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

PG 200: Goodwill Abuela

Rod, Justin and Karen discuss Justin’s work drama, YMCA basketball, shopping at Goodwill, kitchen appliances, Pose and listener feedback.

1 Comment

  1. rodimusprime

    Hey Rod, J’$OP Budden and possibly Karen

    The roast of Joe Budden, on Twitter, for coming after Crissle has been vicious. Sometimes its best just to mind your business.

    Congratulations on 200 episodes. PreGame is hands down my favorite podcast and it has been an amazing journey.

    Rod, I’ve been enjoying you culinary journey from afar and I’m glad you mentioned the importance of zest. It really does turn an ok dish into something memorable. Now, have you started creating your own spices blends and spice paste? If not I think that will take you dishes to another level.

    Rod, Justin and (possibly) Karen, Whats your go to dish to cook? A dish you know its going to be fyre?


    Be easy and Happy 200th.


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