A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

BDS 322: Shaq Vs Dame

Rod and Justin are joined by Karen to discuss listener feedback, Shaq vs Dame, LaVar Ball, Cousins, Mark Rypien, Antonio Brown updates, Cam lied about injuries, Lakers, NBA tampering, Zion endorsed by Gatorade, Uncle Luke mad at Jigga, Burfict suspended for the year, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce fastest woman in the world, Bill Bidwill dies, Ricky Williams auctioning off Heisman, Wiggins, Jags not trading Ramsey, PJ Williams DUI details, Giannis and Michael Smith joining sports media start up.


  1. Dr_Doughstax

    Howdy Rod, Queen Karen and The Jaudacity of Believing In The Browns,

    I hope all is good with y’all.

    Amani, I should’ve listened when you sent me that warning about hope being a lie, especially in the context of believing in the Browns. The Browns are emotional terrorist and should never be trusted. Even lowering the bar to “be less sorry than most of the teams they play” turned out to be more high enough for Baker Mayfield to run into and fumble. Joey Bosa looked like a less roided version of JJ Watt and the only more stupid than Richard Sherman lying was watching Baker trying to pass on the Niners. Was that boy throwing with his eyes open or was he trying to use the fucking force? And when Freddie had Odell out here returning punts? On god, I said they should fire him the next fucking day.

    And I was mostly measured on them too; I know plenty folks back home who thought the Browns were winning the AFC this season. In the span of a month, I’ve gone from optimistic about the Browns future to wanting to punt Freddie and Baker into fucking Lake Erie.

    I’m tired of the off the charts level of ITWAN surrounding this team. I understood why folks were mad at Hugh Jackson (3-36-1 is godawful) to some level, but I at least understood how Hugh got the job. Freddie was just a white man in the white place at the white time and is out here looking dumber than Floyd Mayweather would on Wheel Of Fortune trying his hardest. And Baker? My niggas, what nigga QB could get away with all this shit talking and then playing this goddamn sorry? Baker’s ceiling right now would be Shuckin N Jivin Jay Cutler, but Cutler at least had the decency to *throw more touchdowns than interceptions in a season*. Wanna know who could at least manage that? Johnny “Half Man All Cocaine” Manziel in 2015.

    Shouts out to everyone who ain’t a Browns fan that drafted Browns players in fantasy football, by the way. Shame y’all caught a case of full blown hope and thought these niggas could at least help you in fantasy, at least y’all can share in this misery. I’m a Browns fan so I have a reason to make these kind of mistakes. But the rest of these folks? Tuh, it shouldn’t be y’all. Ya hate to see it.

    Speaking of which, Rod how’s fantasy treating you?

    Also, I wanted to say this last week but forgot; y’all perspective on Cam Newton playing hurt was something I had not considered and after thinking about, I agree with y’all. He shouldn’t be out there playing hurt, even with the organization not supporting him. And now Riverboat Ron is gonna have Honky Kong run the ball 50 times a game. Damn.

    I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend and I’m to hear y’all are taking a week off soon. Listening to y’all talk about the importance of actually using PTO made me realize I should use it, so I’m glad y’all can kick back for a minute and are practicing what y’all preaching.

    Niggas only, only niggas!

  2. jamielscorpio

    What up Rod and J Degeneres. Is it me or does this Ellen watching the Cowboys with George Bush seems like an issue we can leave to the White Wokes to go crazy over. That way it gives us more time to focus on Jay Z getting the acts we want to perform in the Super Bowl. In other news why the fuck did Richard Sherman lie like that. He trying to change his name to Richard Pelinka cause both of those niggas out here telling lies that are easily disproven. Always it’s good listen to y’all chop shop especially when Karen is able to join. Peace Only niggas

  3. rodimusprime

    Whats up Rod, Karen and Jay Mowery,

    I don’t know if its art imitating life or life imitating art but the Houston Rockets and China issue over Mowery’s tweets is something straight out of South Park’s most recent episode. I do find it interesting that the NBA was bending on such an issue. Especially given the support they have given the player’s in issues that effect black people. I did live in Hong Kong so I am familiar with the some of the issues between China and the Hong Kong. I know corporations are going to be all for the almighty dollar. I do feel an uneasily with what it could lead to. Also did y’all hear about coach K supporting the California bill? It gave me Malik Yoba vibes as in this nigga did some shit and trying to cover it up by acting like he supports it. When I first heard about it. I said this nigga paid Zion. But love the show as always.


  4. Amani

    Hey Rod, Karen, and Jamanda Seales

    Poor, poor Tiffany.

    The only one they’re getting outta the paint faster than ol girl is the Rockets GM! I know Rod can relate to a manager not having your back, but when the team owner puts you on front street and leaves you hanging against a whole country you gotta know that’s a wrap. China is NOT with the shits and I mean goddamn. If you want to know what real money looks like just watch how quick everybody is tripping over themselves to try to smooth this over. Yao Ming kicking niggas all the way outta there.

    But all this news just means the NBA is back niggas! Baseball is in the middle of the playoffs and my whole TL would rather talk about LeBron and AD and Zion dunking on niggas in preseason. Even football is taking a back seat to the real king. But that doesn’t mean I missed my 49ers putting the BEATEMDOWN on the Cleveland Blacks and Sober Manziel. Your boy Doughstax had us circled as a win talking about the Browns going 10-6 (https://twitter.com/Dr_Doughstax/status/1173800486316728321) people don’t forget! It does feel good to be the only undefeated team in the conference and in first place so I’m gonna talk my shit while it lasts.

    And speaking of undefeated, Rod’s agenda is winning! Just look at Mr. Allen. With the right white man, you can do anything. Alright y’all appreciate the dope show as always. Have a great week.

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