A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2090: All Killing Aside

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Rod and Karen catch up with comedian Myq Kaplan. We discuss social distancing, the criminal justice system, veganism, romantic love and people protesting the Coronavirus response.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @MyqKaplan

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

Myq’s Album: https://www.blondemedicine.com/aka


  1. reallydarkknight

    Dear Karen and husband,

    Myq was great and I loved the episode. Near the end of the episode, Rod brought up the analogy of the protesters and the cytokine storm that actually kills people by giving them pneumonia from the coronavirus. If you don’t know the concept, you really should look it up or listen to that part again, because it is really apt. Ignorant, mostly white folks are out protesting in these streets and are going to get themselves and others killed while arguing that people want to go back to work.

    If the choice is go back to work and die…listen, I’m staying my black ass inside at home, period!


  2. Joe Spacely

    Myq Kaplan is hilarious- his mind stays working with the wordplay.

    Maybe it was an illusion, but when Myq put out the theory that plants are communicating with man, through consumption, Rod briefly looked like he needed a moment. That really was a deep thought.

  3. Iman

    Hey y’all!
    I really likes Myq as a guest, not sure if you’ve had him on before. I’ve been listening for a few years now, but maybe it’s an episode I’ve missed.
    But he was really great and I really appreciate the conversation y’all had about being in your head thinking someone is upset with you. I think a lot of us struggle with some version of that. For me it’s wondering if someone thinks my ideas are bad or if I offended someone. This past month I found out that there were two people who where upset with me and I never noticed. One messaged me to apologize about it, and I let her know I had no idea what she was talking about.
    The other person was my sister who blocked me, lol , and she was upset I never noticed once she unblocked me. I assumed she was busy. It was weird because when I’m upset with someone I let them know. And if I’m really done with you, you’re blocked or unfriended.

    Enjoyed this episode,

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