A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2379: The Covid Only Section

Rod and Karen discuss the inter-generational struggle for Black folks, Coronavirus News, $15 wages becoming norm, January 6th hearing, Simone Biles withdraws from team finals, Normani has Cardi’s back, Kanye breaks Apple streaming record and LGBTQ News.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. trey_swindu744

    Rod you had me screaming ending the show like that, hahaha, but hey man I understand . T.I.’s goofy ass had A WHOLE LOT OF NERVE saying that nonsense he said. Sir aren’t you and your wife about face some serious assault charges and you got the nerve to speak on somebody else. I just can’t wait to see Shekinah be called to testify about all that shit she said they do on her IG live – you know its going to happen lol.

    Also fuck DaRemedial aka DaBaby with his Rocky & Bullwinkle ass, Super Mario Brothers ass, Hannah Barbera cartoon ass beats that he rhymes over. I was listening to another podcast that was discussing Dababy and they mentioned 50Cent may have taken him under his wing to help with his career- which explains so much if true.

    I was so glad we got to hear that testimony from those officers about January 6th I wasn’t shocked that those trump supporters would turn on the cops like they did. Because that’s how fucked up white supremacy is and it NEVER EVER makes any sense. Its insane hearing the cops had to fight off people while those same people were wearing clothes with the THIN BLUE LINE SYMBOL all over them- LIKE HOW…its easy HOW – WHITE SUPREMACY. Hopefully republicans face some sort of political repercussions from this – but who knows when it comes to politics.

    Anyways thanks again Rod & Karen,

  2. DBman12

    I wanna thank you two for this episode’s Reading Rainbow discussion. It mirrored similar discussions my friends and I have been having about race and progress.

    The only thing want to say additionally is that I agree with Karen that some Blacks had to have fallen for that Dream of Whiteness. A large chunk of us Blacks were not prepared for how far Whites would go these 4 years. I knew it would be bad, but not this bad. When Trump walked into the WH, how many of us saw White people going so low as to see denying pandemic science as supporting their fight for white supremacy.

  3. Sofa_King

    Damn, negro, TI must have had you fucked up! I’ve been listening to the podcast since 2015, and this is only the second time, EVER, that I can remember you skipping sword ratchetness!

  4. EvieE

    I’m sorry but I laughed so hard when you ended the show so abruptly there was no sword ratchetness. TI’s defense of Dababy made you short circuit. I get it, there’s nothing TI loves more than defending the indefensible.

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