Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.
Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186
A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny
Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.
Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Instagram: @TheBlackGuyWhoTips
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186
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This is going to be a long comment but I feel it’s important for your listeners to hear and to validate your efforts because one of the things you’ve been relentless about appropriately is the ‘Rona and I’ve been in agreement with you 100%.
First, I fell in love with your podcast when I started listening for your GoT recaps then stayed for the rest becoming a premium member because I can’t express how much I love what you say and how you do what you do. You really cause me to critically think and laugh and having you especially during the pan dulce has been a godsend.
When the vaccine became available, after some initial hesitancy, I jumped on it in March of this year. So imagine my surprise and disappointment when I contracted Covid 19 two weeks ago. I began having symptoms (congestion, runny nose, cough, loss of smell and taste) following a full day of social gatherings. I’m not careless, am always masked and the small social gatherings with friends I attend are with vaccinated and/or masked folks. I have no clue where or how I contracted it. What concerned me the most was spreading it to the others I had been socializing with including some who were immuno compromised and my 80 year old mother whose birthday we were celebrating. Fortunately, since they were all vaccinated, NO ONE has tested positive. I repeat, NO ONE. My symptoms were mild and have abated for the most part. My smell has almost completely returned and taste is coming back slowly. I faithfully isolated for the requisite ten days.
What I got from this is 1-the vaccine works! 2-the vaccine works to protect OTHERS while minimizing the effect on the one who contracts it. I am fortunate that I have been working remotely since the panoramic so no coworkers were effected but given my activity the weekend I came down with symptoms, many people were impacted: their own status, their work, their families, their life events and countless others. Getting the vaccine is not only to protect yourself but it’s for those you love and care about and your community. I can’t stress that enough. Thank you for staying relentless on this. Though I’ve not been living fearfully of the virus by staying in my home and not engaging in activities and felt I needed to find some way to live comfortably and carefully with this virus and have ventured out with care since I’ve been vaccinated, this experience has driven home the virus is alive and well and we don’t know everything there is to know. I will now double mask when out inside and outside. Although my symptoms were relatively mild, it is not an experience I want to have again precisely because I don’t know what the long term effects are. I have also joined a study with the National Institute of Health, specifically for minority health, for them to follow me for the next six months because I want to contribute to the study of the impact of this virus. I’m thankful I live in Governor Dinner Party’s state which has some of the strictest covid mandates. My county and city do as well and not long ago California had the lowest number of covid growth rates because of it.
So stay relentless with your Covid news. You are right! Thank you Rod and Karen!
And I am going to get the booster when I’m eligible for it
I had to respond to your mentioning Pollyanna parents letting their kids be COVID experiments. My wife and I took our 15 month old son out of daycare after they shut down due to COVID exposure in September. We know we’re lucky to be able to do it, but we’re on that “not our kid” shit. We were able to adjust our schedules so we could keep him out of his old daycare and we were able to get vaccinated close friends and relatives (masked, of course) to bridge the gaps. We both still have to work on site part of each week and feel compelled to satisfy our respective WFH requirements(have someone watching your kids.) We avoid bringing him anywhere inside with randoms that aren’t masked.
We both know we’re privileged AF to be able to do all this. All this is to say I appreciate your takes making me feel like we’re not crazy for doing all this when see other people out here treating this shit like it’s a game.
If there’s a Lord who has work to be done, y’all doin’ it.