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2494: Call Me Gabriel

Rod and Karen recap The Walking Dead

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  1. HvyWght

    I really enjoy that, in The Walking Dead, we know the “good guys” are killers, too. So, when Daryl comes around the corner with a knife to Carver’s (which got confusing for me, cause I still think of Gabe as his character “Carver” from The Wire) neck, that he really will cut him if they don’t come out. When that preacher says “I can’t let you kill my people” and Gabe pulls his machete and says “Worry about yourself, first”?! Chills. I will say, I agree with Karen when it came to Leah and “See you later”. Rewatching the scene, I get the sense that she still trusted Daryl to do the “right” thing and keep the deal after the truce. They were leaving, Carver was the insurance. And, once he was satisfied that they were officially gone, he’d have let Carver go to rejoin them. I don’t think she or her guys was under that she was sacrificing Carver. But. From the time she hanged Gregory? And let them Oceanside women kill Arrat? Maggie been a IDGAF typa killa! Love the recaps! Keep em comin.

    • HvyWght

      *under the impression that she

  2. BigTime

    Thanks for continuing to recap one of my favorite shows. I loved how this conflict with the reapers ended. I feel you when you said Negan saw himself in Maggie when she was killing the reapers after the ceasefire. I was thinking about their prior convo in the woods when Negan said he wished he would have killed them all (Rick’s group) back then. So when the camera panned to Negan right before Maggie started killing the reapers his body language to me said “ do what you gotta do” and when she came back for Carter she looked at him ( or at least the camera looked at him from her angle) and his expression to me was “you already know what type of shit I’m on” towards Maggie. To me Negan clearly understood she needed to take that opportunity to walk them down and couldn’t leave a single one alive. This was great writing helped us see that Negan had to leave. I am curious about what happens to Leah. The love gotta be gone between her and Darrly after this. Hopefully their isn’t some random ass revenge scene at the end of this series but they could probably bring her back in the story for the Darrly and Carol spin-off if it ever happens. Love the recaps!

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