A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2498: Loving Our Love

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. ApiafromGermany

    Rod, we helped many refugees in Germany from all sorts of countries, as country and also we as a family. ( Eritrea, Syria, Afghanistan) and it was different because 5 years ago mostly single men came. I admit I was afraid at first to enter an apparent with 4 men from countries not great about women’s rights. I did it but I was afraid. I went well and they were all fine. I ended up bonding the most with a small guy from Eritrea ( being 20 cm taller made me feel better at first I admit! He was super nice and I never had any problems)

    Now all I read is how we are racist for helping the Ukraine.
    It does not feel great.

    Why aren’t we at war with Russia? I’m glad we aren’t. We are so close, my family lives in the country next to it.
    You will pretty sure be safe in the US its too far away, so it’s easier for you to say.
    What should we do? I don’t know.

    • ApiafromGermany

      As per today we aren’t.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    Btw we had Covid now. It came for us through the kids. Be are all as vaccinated as we can and so it was mild. I had a medium cold, Mr Apia the same and the kids had nothing. On Friday I got my free pass ( a negative test!)and was allowed to leave my home again the next day. I was only 6 days positive, thats acceptable.

  3. ApiafromGermany

    Thank you for talking about the race records and my comments. I am not as arrogant as to think our solution would fit your country. I’m just happy that you also see history and motivation can be very different somewhere else and it’s not

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