A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2508: Positive Energy

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. IamSashaPierce

    Just a note to say Game Theory is excellent! Granted, I don’t know sports, but I do know great TV, and it’s great TV for two reasons. One, it had me instantly invested in every story, and two, I was laughing out loud multiple times a segment.

    Wishing y’all all the success you deserve! Congrats to you both for the amazing journey you’ve had over these many years!

  2. ApiafromGermany

    Oh how I wished you would watch star track discovery and recap it. They had Black Love as the center of season 4 and the actors are gorgeous. You might like it.

  3. ApiafromGermany

    I decided some years ago that its not my duty to watch every depressing thing on TV.
    Same as you feel with the Supreme Court hearings.
    I ask myself: is me watching it helping anyone? The answer is mostly no.
    It only gives more buzz to the program. I said before I read the news it’s better for my brain and I do it once a day only.

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