A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2514: #GirlDad

Rod and Karen discuss the final week of Game Theory, Karen’s tech corner, 1800Flowers customer service, Covid scare in the office, Rod gets his hands on Digits, mailing clothes back home, Coronavirus News, LGBTQ News, shooting on the subway, snake in the couch, people think they can live off the land, OnlyFans star finds out dad is subscribed, sex work debates and lunch with Chris Lamberth.

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  1. ApiafromGermany

    Oh no, I just read about the Oscar Slap in “Pharma news”. Now it’s been officially everywhere.
    Here it is:

    Human-centricity? Novartis’ New LDL drug push spotlights life’s ups and down

    MM+M – Medical Marketing and Media, Apr 19, 2022, The 2022 Oscars ceremony will be remembered for Will Smith’s unfortunate pugilism. Nonetheless, a commercial that premiered during the broadcast was a one-minute tour de force of perfectly timed eye rolls and winks to the camera, without its star — an actor portraying a woman named Gloria — uttering a single word.

    The spot, which has since aired on CBS, NBC, ESPN and BET as well as across digital platforms, is for Novartis’s New ldl drug, a siRNA therapy for cholesterol reduction approved by the Food and Drug Administration in December……

    ( I cut it here, you get it)

  2. Ste11a

    I don’t know if I had Covid but I was exposed to a person that had it in January of this year. At the time, I couldn’t get my hands on a test to make sure. I didn’t have any symptoms but I still quarantined for 2 weeks because I might have been asymptomatic. Everyone else that was exposed to this person at this event of six people had Covid symptoms afterwards and had to quarantine. By the way, I was the only one that had my booster shot.

  3. mizzbarnes

    I can safely say that my 401K ass cannot live off the land. At least on Attack on Titan, the Scout Regiment gets a feather bed and some square meals with a bench to sit on. That is as ‘living off the land’ as I get! My black ass refuses to sleep on the ground. The last time that I camped was a church trip in 1990 and I damn sure brought a curling iron and took showers. The s’mores was hitting tho….but I ask you, where do get Shrimps and Malbec wine at when you roughing it?? How, the fuck, am I drinking? I guess will be the bougie zombie who will bite into high IQ survivors who smell like Bath and Body Works.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    I’m allergic go eggs so that’s not an option.

  5. ApiafromGermany

    I’m pretty outdoorsy but I think living of the land would be hard. I would maybe survive but it would be hard. I can :
    Grow potatoes, this would be the main food .
    Take care of cows, we would need two.
    I know what herbs are good to eat and also mushrooms ( I grew up poor in Eastern Europe and learned)

    I still think it would be very hard.

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