A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2516: Chopping His Nerdy Cakes To SciFi Smithereens

Rod and Karen recap The Walking Dead.

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1 Comment

  1. logan2x1

    When I read this title episode I thought this was a regular episode about Karen visiting you in New York, awkward lol. Anyway, thanks for the recap love seeing y’all have fun together on social media. This episode was great, but slightly predictable for me. But I did like all the callbacks to other fandoms; Star Wars, Star Trek, Batman. There’s probably more but those are the ones I caught.
    I didn’t mind Maggie forgiving Negan, grief and forgiveness works differently for everyone. But it will be interesting to see how her son deals with her forgiving him, maybe that’s something the spin-off can tackle?

    Thanks again, love y’all and the show

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