A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2530: Arby’s – We Have The Piss

Rod and Karen start with a little Q&A from the crowdcast audience, then we discuss Coronavirus News, Chris Rock could host Oscars, Megan Thee Stallion crops Cara Delevingne out of a pic, inconvenient convenience store, Brady vs Jack Harlow, Wanda Sykes still gets emotional about slap, Arby’s manager accused of child porn and shake peeing, man weds triplets, girl arrested after classmate fakes threat to school, woman beats husband for watching porn and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    That arby’s story is fake news. Nice try Rod

  2. ArrogantDemon

    The moment I saw this story I thought to myself am I gonna be the 1,569th nigga to send you this article, or just let it get to you naturally.

    How was it peeing in the Jomocha shakes not the worst part?

    Great show as always

  3. Bstar88

    Hey Pat and Karen. I could be wrong but I never heard Wanda speak about violence against Black Trans women or black LGBTQ+ people or said anything about the shootings that happen over the weekend that is truly, very traumatizing but keep talking about a slap that has nothing to do with her…‍♂️ She’s apart of those communities that deal with atrocities on a daily but has been vocal about them as she does this slap cause it was her rich work friend that was violated. Also with the Kendrick Lamar song Auntie Diaries, I see where he was coming from but he shouldn’t have to dead name, misgender or say the F slur to get his point across. That’s like if a white rapper, raps about him saying how racist he was and then say “n*gger n*gger n*gger look, I used to say n*gger but I was so wrong and shouldn’t have said it in the past but I’m gonna say it now in this song to show that’ it’s wrong” A lot of Black trans people and other Black LGBTQ+ people including myself finds it a bit unsettling and we should have a say so since it’s was about us. I’ve seen a lot of cishet people gaslighting us saying “well look, he Acknowledge y’all, so y’all be happy you was mentioned on how bad we treated you f slurs so be happy f slur” It’s mediocre/lazy and back handed. I get that sometimes word fully things can cause people to disengage but rap/hip hop has always been cleverly done that have people to think by using word play and that shouldn’t be an excuse to be disrespectful towards a community that has to hear it everyday. Love the show and congratulations on season 2 of Game Theory.

  4. mizzbarnes

    The distinction that you pointed out is that is a Canadian Arby’s, not an American Los Pollos Herman—- Ooops, meant to say an American Arby’s 😀

    Can’t wait for my Orange Cremescicle shake to show up this summer. Also to mention that happened in October…not the summer, so those shakes are safe. Only the Pumkin Spice shakes would be in danger…….not the summer shakes.

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