A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2532: Baboon And Biotin

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. TanyaW42

    Thanks Rod for mentioning that you were on Dominic’s “The Mind of Dom” podcast, I didn’t realize he moved to Anchor so I wasn’t getting the new episodes because I had the old RSS feed.

    The episode was so great!! Regarding your podcasting origin story, remember having to troubleshoot IRQ conflicts?!? Thank goodness those days are behind us.

  2. mizzbarnes

    Thank you Trey for the reminder,
    The conversation that you and Dom had was the pep talk that I did not know that I needed in my life. It was an excellent episode of The Mind of Dom! Thank you so much!

  3. mizzbarnes

    Queen Evie E has spoken and all is right in the world!

    The Orange Dreamsicle shake is out now at Arby’s! You’re welcome 🙂

    • EvieE

      Thank you Mizzbarnes. Don’t let Rod’s anti-Arby’s agenda stop you from enjoying the delicious that is Arby’s. They have the meats.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    Thank you for always be thoughtful und considering other opinions. This makes you special. And I personally never had Arby’s as far as I remember.

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