A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2536: Good Actions Are Better Than Good Words

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. Sofa_King

    I had a minor technical question: while catching up with episode 2533: The War Report, I heard you ask Gastor a question, and was caught off guard by the podcast cutting to the Anchor ad before it played his answer, which led me to wonder if you and Karen get to have any input over where the ads get inserted, or is that up to the host?

  2. ApiafromGermany

    About pronouns for myself:
    I am a cis person. I dont feel comfortable writing my pronouns in some kind of bio for example. I dont even know why, it feels somewhat like a performance also I dont like labeling myself this way.
    Im talking only about my pronouns, not questioning the pronouns of other people and their preferences. Maybe I’m wrong? Maybe I will think differently in a few years. And there is also the point that the pronouns in Germany are somehow different. The courtesy form of talking to someone uses “Sie” here. It’s strangely already non binary it’s not a new thing at all, it’s your they/ them ( it means they) but is used to talk directly to someone. Like “what is their name?” Meaning ” what is you name Sir?” Language is interesting.

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