A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2539: Obi-Wan Coming To The Cookout™

Rod and Karen discuss Coronavirus News, LGBTQ News, schools and guns, Supreme court blocks TX social media law, baby formula returning to shelves, summer travel may be hard, Welcome To The Cookout™, White People News, gator kills frisbee golfer, man points gun at TV reporter, man poses as cop, sword ratchetness and DL Hughley responds to Mo’Nique.

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  1. EvieE

    I voted no in the poll regarding Amber Herd and Johnny Depp because I didn’t actively seek out any articles about them but they were nearly impossible that avoid on any social media platform. I have never seen anything like it. I saw stories on my Twitter timeline, on my Instagram explore page, and suggested videos on you tube. I didn’t ask for any of that shit.

  2. RamseyDeeJenkins

    Five Stars for each episode this week!
    I saw the guest lineup for the entire month, and I want you all to have all the stars, glitter, and rainbows the whole month of June!
    Much love to you both! Stay safe out in these Covid Streets!

  3. ApiafromGermany

    We are planning a European vacation this year. Sounds impressive? We already live here.

  4. ApiafromGermany

    When the covid numbers go up in the US they go down here and vice versa. They are on the way down here. Like now. They are falling here. Covid seems to concentrate on one continent I guess.
    Now I’m glad we already had it. But only because I know it was mild. ( after 3 covid vaccines) you can’t know it beforehand.

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