Rod and Karen are joined by writer Zach Rice to discuss how he got his start writing, college, working with Seth Rogen, writing for The Onion, writing for Hood Adjacent, The Patriot Act fallout from the Saudi Arabia episode, religion, Ketamine therapy, the canceled Correspondent’s Dinner, writing for Game Theory, what he’s working on next and White People News!
Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @Zach_r1ce
Instagram:Â @TheBlackGuyWhoTips
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186
This was a great episode. I love Rod and Karen’s interview style, Karen’s fire jokes and the groups delightful tangents. When y’all have a late night variety talkshow, I will be ready!
Zach said he is a writer because he has no other skills. I know this should sound humble but I think its rather normal to feel this way as a young person. You try stuff out, you learn, you get better. I’m great in stuff now I never would have guessed I would be. And I think you can discover strengths as long as you live.
About the name, it’s “Vero ¿y qué?” which means “Vero and what?!” in Spanish. I can’t figure out how to change it, sorry. This is just an alias for Veronica P. So, my question is: what’s up with Zach’s Los Angeles hate? J/k I might get the dislike if folx have a limited view of the city. Congrats on this fun interview, nice to put a voice and story to that young ‘un confused by punctuation story. I have a bit of that tendency too without the youth excuse—